Thank you for your ongoing support

raised towards $30,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Dear Friends of Brookside,
What a great year it has been for Brookside!
With the overwhelming support received late last year through the Annual Appeal, we completed the costly porch restoration, replaced nearly all the ancient storm windows, renovated the museum store, and gutted and rebuilt the water-damaged second-floor rear.
We installed a significant exhibition, Saratoga County: Our Home! funded entirely by grants, expanded our school and senior citizen education programs, produced a second Lost Crossroads video, presented sold-out walking tours, and launched a new quarterly, History Lives Here.
We have operated in the black for three years, but we have done so without an executive director. Our goal for 2024–25 is to hire a professional to guide us to greater success.
We are still a year away from sufficient recurring income to fully cover a director's salary. Our income can stretch to cover part of this amount. By 2025, individual and corporate giving is projected to make up the difference — we seek funds to hire in mid-2024.
Will you help us continue Brookside's successful rebirth?
All gifts will be acknowledged with gratitude and donors will be counted as 2023–24 members.